Friday, July 27, 2012

July 26, 2012 - Sunset and Suds (and Storm)

This is from just before running a 5K Team in Training fundraiser up in Riverside park. I guess it's an annual race named for the time of day (Sunset) and the draw (Suds aka free beer!) This year, however, we had the added bonus of some crazy weather (Storm) that was scheduled to hit right around the time of the event.

It turned out to be pretty intense. I managed to finish running just before the rain hit, but within about ten minutes is was absolutely pouring. I was standing in a tent structure set-up over an outside bar (unfortunately not where the free beer was,) and I ended up helping to hold it down from blowing away (while a lot of other people crouched under the bar.) After another ten minutes or so it let up enough for me to leave the tent and find the nice, dry, place where they were handing out beer. During my second beer, the rain had pretty much stopped, so I made my way to the train with a bunch of other Brooklyn folk and we grabbed some dinner when we got to Park Slope. All in all, a fun & very wet adventure!

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