Friday, July 27, 2012

July 26, 2012 - Sunset and Suds (and Storm)

This is from just before running a 5K Team in Training fundraiser up in Riverside park. I guess it's an annual race named for the time of day (Sunset) and the draw (Suds aka free beer!) This year, however, we had the added bonus of some crazy weather (Storm) that was scheduled to hit right around the time of the event.

It turned out to be pretty intense. I managed to finish running just before the rain hit, but within about ten minutes is was absolutely pouring. I was standing in a tent structure set-up over an outside bar (unfortunately not where the free beer was,) and I ended up helping to hold it down from blowing away (while a lot of other people crouched under the bar.) After another ten minutes or so it let up enough for me to leave the tent and find the nice, dry, place where they were handing out beer. During my second beer, the rain had pretty much stopped, so I made my way to the train with a bunch of other Brooklyn folk and we grabbed some dinner when we got to Park Slope. All in all, a fun & very wet adventure!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 25, 2012 - Howard the Bean

Sometimes when Howard sleeps he looks like a little jelly-bean (with a tail). Yum!

July 24, 2012 - Celebrate Brooklyn!

I have Team in Training practice every Tuesday in Prospect Park, and this week it coincided with Wilco's second Celebrate Brooklyn! concert. The park was packed with people on picnic blankets surrounding the bandshell to hear a free show, and even though I didn't stick around for the whole thing, I did catch the opening number which sounded great.

July 23, 2012 - DISH App to the Rescue!

Tom and I were out to dinner with our friend Emily and realized we might have an emergency on our hands... thank goodness for the DISH app.

July 22, 2012 - Is That a Penny?

There was a penny in the potty when I got back from my trip to Illinois, and I just had to wonder what people were eating while I was gone.

July 21, 2012 - Rudy's Cheese Crisp

Ok... brace yourself. This is a flour tortilla covered with melted cheese. It's called a "cheese crisp" and I think of it as a signature item from one of my hometown favorite places, Rudy's Tacos. You can't really see the pool of cheese grease on top, but it's there.

I'd describe it as delicious, disgusting and ridiculous - and of course I had to get one when I was there!

July 20, 2012 - RIHS Reunion

I headed back to the QC for my high school reunion. It was really, really fun to see and catch up with everyone, including my friend Liz who I've known since grade school.

July 19, 2012 - Oyster Tower

I joined the DailyCandy Editorial team for oysters at Willamsburg's Maison Premiere. It was GREAT (the oysters and the company!)

July 18, 2012 - A Sock-hat for Scrappy

I don't know why I enjoy taking pictures of the dogs wearing socks like hats so much... but I think it's real fun!

July 17, 2012 - Coney Island!

Tom and I headed out to Coney Island to catch a Brooklyn Cyclones game. It was Team in Training night, so a lot of my running buddies were there, PLUS it was Medieval Times night so we got to watch sword fights between a few of the innings! We didn't stick around to watch the jousting after the game, and I was a little upset I didn't catch a quesadilla during the "quesadilla scream," but it was still a lot of fun & I'm planning to see another game soon!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 16, 2012 - Sweet Foxy

Just a sweet picture of Foxy in the garden.

July 15, 2012 - Cuddle Pugs

Everybody say it with me. 1, 2, 3... "AWWWWWW!"

July 14, 2012 - View from Central Park

After finishing the early morning Central Park Conservancy Run for Central Park, I snapped this photo on my way back to the subway. It still amazes me that this incredible place is in the middle of an obviously incredible city, and that I get to enjoy it as much as I do. Support your local parks - don't take them for granted!

July 13, 2012 - Foxy Into the Woods

The "woods" in this case is actually just the back-most area of our garden, but I thought it was really cute how Foxy stood at the edge of the dark part checking everything out for a couple minutes before venturing in.

July 12, 2012 - Scrappy Goes To a Meeting

Scrappy came with me to work and of course got a TON of attention. I think this shot from our "all-hands" meeting sums up how his day went pretty well.

July 11, 2012 - After Work Relaxing

A bunch of us who work on DailyCandy Deals met up at The Frying Pan for after work drinks. The frat-like regular crowd makes it a slightly annoying place normally, but it was a beautiful night and we snagged a table right at the tip of the boat for the most gorgeous waterfront views.

July 10, 2012 - He's Coming for Me

Little zombie Scrappy

July 9, 2012 - Cab ride home from something fun

Normally, when I post a photo from a cab, it's because I just finished doing something fun and realized I forgot to take any pictures. This photo is different. It is from the cab ride home after attending Colleen's really fun record release show at Birdland, but I DID take pictures!! Unfortunately, when I went to look at them in the cab, they were simply gone. So, here's what we all get to look at as a momento from the evening.

July 8, 2012 - Warrior Souvenirs

Tom and I are not big souvenir people, but we couldn't resist bringing back a couple mini-Terracotta-warriors. Now we have protectors for our precious Farm animals.

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 7, 2012 - Home at Last!

So if you read the post for my July 6th photo, you should understand how ready we were to get home after our China trip. The morning had more craziness related to the previous day's delay, but we eventually got on the plane & in the air. Our transfer in Chicago was relatively smooth and we landed in NYC around 8:45pm (almost a full 24 hours later than expected.) None of it really mattered though when we got home... it was wonderful to see the dogs and the entire adventure was truly incredible.

Thanks for following along - please check out my favorite photos from the trip!

July 6, 2012 - China, Day 11

This was supposed to be our last day in China. We were scheduled on a 4pm flight out of Shanghai and, after a final visit to the hotel's breakfast buffet, headed to the airport around noon or so. Our flight was already going to be delayed a couple hours because the plane was going to be late arriving from its previous flight, but the lounge was nice (with free Jim Beam - hooray!) We boarded a little after 5pm and that's when everything took a turn for the crazy.

The skies had already started to darken when we were boarding, but by the time we were supposed to pull out of the gate, it was a real downpour. So we sat there for awhile. Eventually we we able to pull away and taxi for a bit before we had to stop and wait. And wait. And wait. By around 10:30pm it looked like we were finally about to go and the captain told us we just had to wait "1 minute" for clearance. Then he changed it to "5 minutes." Then he explained that things were certainly "dynamic" and at this point, due to the delays & length of the flight, the crew was no longer cleared to work so we were going to head back to the gate. Then we didn't go back to the gate. We went to a field and had to walk off the plane in the rain & get on a bus for a 20-25 minute ride back to the airport (see photo.) Then we had to figure out what to do because no one really explained anything. We ultimately had to go back through customs to have our exit visas cancelled and were put up for the night in a really, really gross hotel near the airport. It was a long day.

Other highlights from the day

  • Did you read the above? Other than the free Jim Beam - none

(See my favorite shots from the entire trip here!)

July 5, 2012 - China, Day 10

Our last (planned) full-day in China and it was still really hot. We just enjoyed relaxing in the hotel for the morning and headed out to the Shanghai World Financial Center in the afternoon for some breathtaking views of the city. Afterwards, we spent some time wandering around the shopping levels at the base of the tower (the safe, on the ground part, according to Tom,) and grabbed some lunch at a western restaurant in anticipation of our return home.

Other highlights from the day

  • Quality lounging time with Chinese TV
  • Dinner at a great local restaurant in the French Concession area

(See my favorite shots from the entire trip here!)

July 4, 2012 - China, Day 9

Shanghai was hot! I mean like the "drop-to-your-knees-and-start-hallucinating-if-you-are-outside-for-more-than-15-minutes" type of hot. Our hotel was right along Shanghai's famous Bund, so we tried walking around in the morning, but couldn't stay out for very long and had to head back to the hotel to regroup. We managed to get out a little later in the day, and by nightfall the 90-degree temperature felt almost moderate in comparison to the afternoon. This shot is of the famous Pudong skyline from the Bund - it was gorgeous and as reminiscent of "Blade Runner" as it seems.

Other highlights from the day

  • Pudong Skyline
  • Yuyuan Tourist-mart & Garden
  • People's Square Park
  • Shanghai Museum
  • Drinks at Glamour Bar/dinner at M on the Bund

(See my favorite shots from the entire trip here!)

July 3, 2012 - China, Day 8

Another travel day - this time from Guilin to Shanghai. Before we left, we hit a few more spots including the beautiful Elephant-trunk Hill (it's a hill that looks like an elephant - go figure!) While we were there, I took this photo of a Cormorant fishing-bird, something else the region is pretty well known for. Basically, fishermen use birds to catch fish because they are so good at it, but they tie strings around the birds' necks so the birds can't eat the big ones. It's sounds crazy, but it seems to work and "different strokes for different folks" has seemed to apply pretty well for most of the trip.

Other highlights from the day

  • Solitary Beauty Peak
  • Reed Flute Cave
  • Flight to Shanghai
  • Our incredible room & view at the Waldorf Astoria on the Bund
  • Late dinner and drinks at Long Bar in the hotel

(See my favorite shots from the entire trip here!)

July 2, 2012 - China, Day 7

Our one full day in the Guilin area was a long one! We started off bright & early on a cruise down the Li River for some of the most beautiful scenery you could ever hope to see. The rolling green hills along the riverbanks are a unique example of Karst topography and seem dream-like in their abundance. An actual place along our cruise is featured on the back of the 20 RMB note - very cool.

Other highlights from the day

  • Visit to a farmer's house in the village of Yangshuo
  • A foot massage
  • Beer Fish dinner at local restaurant with our guide, Louise
  • "Impressions" light show (a spectacular light-show-thingy on the banks of the river from the guy who put together the Beijing Olympics' opening ceremony)

(See my favorite shots from the entire trip here!)

July 1, 2012 - China, Day 6

Another travel day as we transitioned from Xi'an to Guilin in the late afternoon. Before leaving we packed in a morning of more tourist activities including a visit to the Great Wild Goose Pagoda. It was built in 652 (during the Tang dynasty) to store stuff brought back to China from India by the Buddhist monk Xuanzang.

Xuanzang was a pretty interesting figure and is the historical inspiration for the Chinese 16th century classic Journey to the West, a fictional account of the monk's pilgrimage to India and back. The story is filled with mythological creatures and fantastic adventures and the main character is not actually the monk himself, but one of his bodyguards - the handsome monkey king, Sun Wukong. Yes, he's an actual monkey. But he was born from a stone, is super strong, super fast, and loves to kill people violently! The story was turned into an incredibly popular TV mini-series in the late 80's with incredibly cheesy special effects and is constantly re-broadcast on Chinese television (think Land of the Lost meets Kung Fu.) I loved it.

Other highlights from the day

  • Shaanxi History Museum
  • Tomb of Emperor Jingdi (with more clay warriors!)
  • Flight to Guilin
  • Dinner at local restaurant with Guilin guide, Louise

(See my favorite shots from the entire trip here!)

June 30, 2012 - China, Day 5

The main reason for visiting Xi'an as a tourist is the chance to see the incredible 2000-year-old Terracotta Warriors from the Qin dynasty. It's completely worth it. I can't really describe the scale of this place, but it's mind boggling. We also met one of the farmers who discovered the warriors in 1974 - he happened to be there that day signing copies of a commemorative book. There was a picture of him shaking Bill Clinton's hand, that's how we know he was the real deal... it definitely wasn't any type of play for tourist dollars ;)

Other highlights from the day

  • Xi'an city wall
  • Great Mosque/Muslim Quarter
  • Bell & Drum Towers
  • Dumpling banquet & show

(See my favorite shots from the entire trip here!)

June 29, 2012 - China, Day 4

Today was a travel day and we left Beijing for the smaller city of Xi'an. Before heading to the airport, we played tourist one last time and visited Tiananmen Square. We were going to try and visit Mao's Mausoleum, but the long line and rain helped us decide to save that for another visit in the future.

Other highlights from the day

  • Beijing Performing Arts Centre
  • Flight to Xi'an
  • Dinner at local Xi'an restaurant

(See my favorite shots from the entire trip here!)

June 28, 2012 - China, Day 3

The Great Wall of China is no joke. We visited the Mutianyu section on an overcast, rainy day and it turned out to be completely incredible. It felt like we had the place all to ourselves at times. This shot is of our descent from a ridiculously high & steep set of stairs we just climbed... the pictures can't do justice to this place - it really is a true wonder of the world.

Other highlights from the day

  • Quick stop to see the Water Cube & Bird's Nest
  • Obligatory stop at a Tea factory
  • Peking duck dinner

(See my favorite shots from the entire trip here!)

June 27, 2012 - China, Day 2

Tom, his co-worker Terrie, and I set off for a full day of adventure in Beijing. We hired a guide from the hotel, handed him a list of places we wanted to see & had a fantastic adventure (see the list below.) Along the way, Tom was asked to pose for a picture with a random stranger - something that happened to one of us almost every day while we were there. This shot is outside the Forbidden city (I went again to walk through with Tom & Terrie.)

Other highlights from the day

  • Temple of Heaven
  • Silk Factory
  • Forbidden City
  • Beijing Hutongs
  • Mongolian Barbecue lunch
  • Lama Temple
  • Summer Palace
  • Dinner at local Sichuan restaurant

(See my favorite shots from the entire trip here!)

June 26, 2012 - China, Day 1

On my first full day in China, Tom had a few final conference related things going on so I went to the Forbidden city with a couple folk who were in town for the same thing but didn't need to stick around the hotel. We hired a guide from the sidewalk to walk us through & I learned that this picture of Mao hanging outside the main gate is an actual painting that is re-done every year by the same artist (for the exorbitant cost of about $600 US.) It was actually a really fascinating place - much bigger than I expected.

Other highlights from the day

  • First experience with Beijing subway (cool!)
  • Dinner with some other conference folk

(See my favorite shots from the entire trip here!)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

June 25, 2012 - Ni Hao, China!

Tom and I are vacationing on the other side of the world but he arrived a week ahead of me for a work conference... this is a shot of the Beijing Airport taxi line where I was waiting to get a cab so I could meet him at the hotel.

(See my favorite shots from the entire trip here!)

June 24, 2012 - Dogs in the Garden

Just wanted to get a group shot of all the dogs before leaving to meet Tom in China.