Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 3, 2012 - Opera!

Tom and I went to Gotterdammerung, the conclusion of Wagner's Ring Cycle, at the Met for our first 2012 opera. And despite taking 5 1/2 hours to get through, it was really great. Except the ending. I found it completely underwhelming and even had a hard time not laughing at what was supposed to be a very dramatic conclusion to an epic tale of misery (you know... someone throwing themselves on a funeral pyre, destruction of a city, end of the ancient gods - typical opera stuff.) It was almost worse because I found the rest of the staging pretty incredible in comparison.

But - the Met is never without drama! Luckily the guy sitting next to me made up for what was lacking on stage with an incredible outfit. This is a shot I snuck of him at one of the intermissions. Opera!

PS - click here to read Tom's awesome report of the production!

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