Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 7, 2012 - Scrappy Anniversary!

Six months ago, Tom & I found a little dog sitting on the sidewalk outside our house. He looked like he was in pretty bad shape, but he had a lot of attitude, and he was very sweet - so we called him Scrappy & went from a family of 5 to a family of 6. What a great decision.

We've learned a lot about Scrappy since then: he's completely deaf, he's probably around 12 years old, he's not scared to boss the other dogs around (despite being 1/2 to 1/4 their size & having very few teeth to back up his orders,) he loves to find little hidey-spots around the house to sleep (which makes it a challenge to find him sometimes!,) he likes to bark at cars, he's a big wiggler in the morning and stamps a lot when he wants attention, he's great to bring to work, he gravitates towards things that we think he could have found on the street (like old pieces of rope and garbage bags,) and Mexican food gets him begging like crazy. We've also learned that Scrappy is very photogenic and he's become a Facebook favorite (thanks DailyCandy!)

But the most important thing is still what we basically knew all along - Scrappy is a sweet little guy and Tom & I are just as lucky as he is that he ended up in front of our house that crazy morning.

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